Exporting Promotions

You can export a single promotion in DMP as part of a workflow. You can export promotion headers, lines, customers, and warehouses.

  1. From the menu, select Lists > Promotions.
  2. On the DMP menu, select Workbench.
  3. Select the promotion to export.
  4. On the DMP menu, select Actions > Export Promotions.
  5. On Configuration, specify this information:
    Specify the promotion name.
  6. Specify this information:
    User Name
    Specify your M3 BE user name.
    Specify your M3 BE password.
    Note: The classic API user name and password in form is displayed if API setting is selected. If Export from M3 BE REST is selected, it is not displayed.
  7. On General, specify this information:
    Specify the company name.
    Specify a division.
    Specify the promotion.
    Data Export
    Select the data to export option from the list.
  8. On Export Range, select the applicable option for the promotion export from the list:
    • Changed
    • All
  9. Click Export.
    The progress bar indicates the status of the export.
  10. Click View log file.