Creating Dataset from M3

You can follow these steps to create a dataset from M3 using REST API.

Note: You must set the REST API integration method in Settings > Data to enable this feature.
  1. Select Datasets > Create > M3 Dataset.
    The Create Dataset dialog box is displayed.
  2. On the Datasets section, specify this information:
    Specify the company code.
    Select an integration type from the list.
  3. On the Budgets section, select Include Budgets, and specify this information:
    From Budget
    Select an item from the list.
    To Budget
    Select an item from the list.
  4. On the Accumulators section, select the applicable items.
  5. On the Transactions section, specify this information:
    From Transaction Type
    Select the transaction type from the list.
    To Transaction Type
    Select the transaction type from the list.
  6. Click Create.