User profile properties

This functionality is only enabled for administrators. The users do not have version rights by default. Therefore, you must define these rights once you have created the user.

  1. From the menu, select Users > Users.
  2. Select a user from the list and click Update User Information . You can also double-click a user from the list.
    The Update User Information dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select a field to update the information.
    Specify the name of the user.
    Login Name
    Specify the login name for the user.
    Specify a temporary password.
    Optionally, specify an email address, which is used for the autologin feature in MT.
    Select if the role is Administrator or Forecaster.
    Work Method
    Specify the work method from the list.
    Management Rights
    Click Edit to specify the management rights for the user. See User Management Rights.
    Expiration Date
    Select Never Expires or specify the start and end date for the user.
    Additional Information
    Specify the email address.
    Specify the phone number.
    Optionally, specify a description.
  4. Click OK to update the information.