Importing Data
This chapter explains how the administrator establishes the data foundation in M3 DMP for collaborative demand planning. This includes importing Datasets from M3 BE and structuring these in M3 DMP Datasets according to the assignment of forecasting responsibilities.
M3 DMP Datasets, Discarded records, and Residual records are available in the Version on the M3 DMP server, including any needed phantoms.
M3 DMP Datasets are the basis for the forecast packages to the forecasters. The separation of M3 BE Datasets into M3 DMP Datasets are used as a means to control which parts of the data each forecaster can view or make forecasts on. The Partial Import feature helps reduce the forecast cycle time.
Data import and any forecast activities performed in M3 DMP do not affect M3 Business Engine. The M3 Business Engine is only affected when exporting data from M3 DMP. See Exporting Consolidated Sales Forecast Proposal.
Before Starting
- The required Datasets are created and activated in M3 BE. See Defining Datasets and Sales Budget Versions.
- Import/export is activated in M3 DMP and the settings for M3 Interface are valid. See Define Basic M3 Interface Settings and Define Advanced M3 Interface Settings.
- If running Multi Unit Coordination
(MUC) environment in M3, the Datasets to be imported must include division.
Either the Dataset is created on division level or division is included as a
key field (UCDIVI)
If the MUC environment is used without UCDIVI, the demands will duplicate because of the consolidation division that is set in MFS010. To avoid the duplication of demand:
- Use a consolidated division. The demand is collected for all divisions attached to the consolidated division.
- Use DIVI as a selection for the dataset in OSS403 and OSS404. Exclude the consolidated division.
- The transaction types and accumulators that are connected to the Dataset to be imported are defined in the M3 DMP database. Also, each allowed combination of those is defined in the database as a Data Type. In System Setup/Formats, all Data Types (accumulator + transaction type) defined in the database can be viewed.
- The period type used in the Dataset is defined correctly in M3 DMP. See Setup Format.
The process of importing can be described as following:
The first time a Dataset is used, all records in the Dataset are imported using an Import Dataset. If required, phantoms and Phase Outs are created at this point. In any subsequent forecast cycles, a partial import is usually used to import only the latest records and to check whether exported values are correctly updated. Phantoms and Phase Outs can be created if needed.
Activity Description
- Import M3
BE Dataset – full import
Use this activity to import an active M3 BE Dataset from M3 BE to M3 DMP. Only the active Datasets in M3 BE are imported into M3 DMP and can be selected to perform forecasting.
- Import M3
BE Dataset – partial import
If the M3 BE Dataset has been imported before, you can choose partial import to import records within a specified time horizon from the M3 BE Dataset. In this way you can import only the records added to the M3 BE Dataset since it was imported the last time. Partial import enables you to add updated information to a Dataset, which you have previously imported. This reduces the setup time before each forecast cycle considerably and enables storing and reuse of information such as attributes/key descriptions, alternative units of measurements and sales activities locally on M3 DMP.
- Create
Phantoms and Phase Out (optional)
If any phantom records are needed, this activity is used to create phantoms in the Dataset. This can be done at any time after the Dataset has been imported. Phantoms enable the forecasters to enter forecast values for structures (a set of key values) that are not yet established in M3 BE. The new records are retained in M3 DMP until they can be properly exported to M3 BE as regular sales budget records.
If any Phase Out records are needed, this activity is used to create Phase Outs in the Dataset. This can be done at any time after the Dataset has been imported. It has been given the administrator the possibility to Phase Outs items which are no longer carried. Phase Outs are retained in M3 DMP and will not be exported to M3 BE.