Assigning promotions

You can assign promotions to a dataset as part of Demand Planner workflow with UCPIDE and UCITNO keys. The assigned promotions are automatically updated if there are changes to the values on a non-blank UCPIDE.

These options are available in assigning promotions to a dataset:

To assign promotions:

  • Generate promotions exported to M3 dataset.

    Select the Set change mark option to enable this feature. This option enables the export of an assigned promotion budget quantity to an M3 dataset for follow-up and reporting purposes. If the Set change mark option is not selected, only the promotion headers and lines will be exported.

  • Insert missing keys

    This option enables Demand Planner to create the keys for assigning and updating promotion values. If the PIDE (promotion ID) is defined as a key in the dataset, the Insert missing keys option will be the default setting and cannot be changed.

    This option is the default setting and cannot be changed if the PIDE (promotion ID) is defined as key in the dataset.

  • Assign and refresh promotions

    This option enables the user to assign all new promotions and refresh the updated promotions.

  1. Select Menu > Lists > Promotion.
    The Promotion grid is displayed.
  2. Select Assign Promotions from the promotion grid toolbar.
    The Assignment of promotions dialog box is displayed.
  3. Specify the configuration name for the promotion.
  4. In the Assignment field, specify the dataset, and select an option you want to apply in the promotion.
  5. In the Options field, select the applicable options.
  6. Click Assign.
  7. Click Close.