Fast Filter

Fast Filter offers you a convenient way to limit the data to display in the pivot sheet to improve your overview. You can sift through the data using the filters from a specific dataset or favorite view with the purpose of displaying specific data. The filters are easily selected from combo boxes, offering you the opportunity to filter the data before you display it.

Once you have defined the filter, load the data using Load Data.

Fast Filter options are restricted to the filters you included in your dataset or favorite view. The name of the combo boxes corresponds to the included filters.

Fast Filter is a default option. You can clear this option in Favorite View Properties > Settings. You can also specify if you can select a Fast Filter or set to required in some key columns. Select the check box in Favorite View Properties > Key Columns.

This table shows the available functions for fast filter:

Name Description
Reload Used to refresh the data that is based on the selected fast filter

This does not change the view layout.

Clear Used to restart the fast filter selection
Combo boxes Used to specify the fast filters

Using Fast Filter

If a user clicks on a Fast Filter, the list is populated with items from the database query for distinctive values. The items are based on the filter conditions that are set in favorite view and user rights. You can specify or select a value on a fast filter list.

An additional filter is created depending on the key selected from another fast filter list. If a value is changed from a fast filter list, all items from other fast filter lists are cleared. The lists are replaced by new items based on the new filter selected.

Fast Filter also supports unicode to work with central european languages.

You can also specify texts as fast filters. This table shows the texts that you can use as a fast filter:

Fast Filter Result
05 Displays all elements that start with 05
*05* Displays all elements that contain 05
*05 Displays all elements that end with 05
[ ] square brackets Used as filter for an explicit value with inner brackets for alternative values
Note: Fast Filter remembers the last filter used. You can select the Remember Favorite View Fast Filter check box in Menu > Setup > Settings > Grid.