About promotion graphical view
You can view promotions in a graphical view. These are the view types and periods:
- Normal view without calendar - This is the default view of promotions where promotion header and promotion items table are displayed.
- Display items in full height with calendar - This view type shows the promotion items in the right part of the workbench vertically, while the promotion header and the graphical calendar is on the left part displayed horizontally.
- Display calendar with full width - This view type shows the promotion header and promotion lines side by side in the upper part of the workbench, while the graphical calendar is fully displayed in the bottom area.
For view types with calendar, each calendar view type determines the periods to be displayed in the graphical calendar. There are four calendar view types:
- View by days
- View by days without Weekend
- View by week
- View by month
Calendar views can also be changed by clicking the icons in the graphical calendar or using the context menu (by right clicking the columns of the calendar).
The Promotions Header table has a Color column. You can select which color to represent each promotion items. In the graphical calendar, bright ness of the colors alternates from solid to light depending on the number of promotion items.
When you select a promotion item, the focus also changes in the graphical calendar.