Creating a workflow

  1. Select Menu > Data > Workflows.
  2. On the Action column, select an appropriate action from the drop-down list.
    After an action is defined, Execute is automatically selected. Optionally, clear Execute.
    Note: You can use the arrows that are located at the right side of the grid to arrange the sequence of the action rows.
  3. Select a parameter from the list.
  4. On Configuration, click the ellipsis button then specify this information:
    Specify a name for the workflow configuration.
    Specify a description for the workflow configuration.
    Click OK.
  5. On Option, select Stop on Error or Prevent other workflows or both.
    If Stop on error is selected, the workflow will stop running if an error occurs.
    If Prevent other workflows is selected, starting another workflow is disabled if the specific workflow is still running.
  6. Optionally, click View log file to open the event log file of the workflow.
  7. Click Run.
  8. Click Close.