Assigning AUM conversion factors

To create new conversion factors:

  1. Select Menu > Data > AUM Setup > AUM Conversion Factors.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Available Conversion Factors field, specify this information:
    Specify a name for the conversion factor
    Specify a value as factor.
    Specify a value for the number of decimals.
  4. Select an AUM from the list.
  5. Click OK.
    Note: The conversion factors are edited at the same level as they were imported. This means that if the AUM factors are imported at the Item Group Warehouse level, then they can be edited only at that level.

    Also, if a forecaster user domain filter is aligned with the keys specified for importing conversion factors, then the forecaster will only see conversion factors affecting records within the defined user domain. The user domain filter ensures this.

    In the pivot sheet, it is not possible to calculate AUM on cells without a cell factor or on a group of cells where one or more cells are without a factor. The cells without a cell factor are displayed in beige color.