Forecasting Using M3 Demand Planner

This chapter explains how to perform forecasting using Infor M3 Demand Planner (M3 DMP). The process is an alternative to forecasting using the Forecasting module or Sales Budgeting in M3 Business Engine.

M3 DMP is a key component group in the M3 business application. It offers advanced features to create and manipulate forecast values for a Dataset in M3 BE. M3 DMP supports a collaborative approach to forecasting.

This process includes all the steps from creating Datasets in M3 BE to transferring an Updated Sales Budget/Sales Forecast to item forecasts in the Forecasting module or the Master Demand Schedule. The Updated Sales Budget/Sales Forecast is the result of conducting the collaborative demand planning process in M3 DMP.


An Updated Sales Budget/Sales Forecast created in M3 DMP is transferred to forecasts per item in the Forecasting module or the Master Demand Schedule.

The forecasts per item are treated as manually entered forecasts and are used in DRP/MRP in M3 BE.

Data import and any forecast activities performed in M3 DMP do not affect M3 Business Engine. It is only affected when changes in a Dataset are transferred to forecast module with FCS425. See Exporting Consolidated Sales Forecast Proposal and Transferring Updated Sales Budget/Sales Forecast.

Before Starting

  • The M3 DMP server must be installed and must be working properly. See the installation guide on the installation CD (Server Installation and Setup).
  • M3 DMP must be installed on the PCs from where demand planning is to be conducted. See the installation guide on the installation CD (Client Installation and Setup).
  • The administrator(s) must have access to the M3 DMP server through the M3 DMP_Administrator group account. See the installation guide on the installation CD (Server Installation and Setup).
  • Knowledge of the basic ideas and process flow in collaborative demand planning must have been acquired. See Collaborative Demand Planning.
  • Knowledge of the data and information structure in M3 DMP and different ways to view data must have been acquired. See Values and Changes and Information Structure.

Collaborative demand planning in M3 DMP is performed on the basis of Datasets and Sales Budget Versions from M3 BE. The result is an Updated Sales Budget/Sales Forecast in M3 BE that can be transferred to forecasts per item.

Activity Description:

  1. Defining Datasets

    This activity is performed in M3 BE to create and activate Datasets that are used in M3 DMP. The Datasets must be defined with transaction type 33 (Sales budget) for a Sales Budget Version to be created and activated. Other transaction types can be included in the Datasets to aid the other forecasting processes in M3 DMP.

    When to use

    Usually this configuration activity is only performed once during implementation. You should perform this activity if a Dataset you want to import to M3 DMP is not created and activated in M3 BE, including the sales budget versions required. If the Dataset exists and is active, you can skip this activity. If the Dataset exists but is not active or you need a new Sales Budget Version, you must perform some of the steps in the activity.

  2. Collaborative Demand Planning

    This activity is performed in M3 DMP. Datasets are imported from M3 BE. Forecast values are created and manipulated using a collaborative approach with a process flow. The result is an Updated Sales Budget/Sales Forecast that is based on forecasting close to the end-customers and has been consolidated and accepted for use throughout the supply chain. The Updated Sales Budget/Sales Forecast is feasible with regard to the physical constraints in the supply chain and reflects a consensus between sales and supplying units. The Updated Sales Budget/Sales Forecast is exported back to M3 BE.

  3. Transferring Updated Sales Budget/Sales Forecast

    This activity is performed in M3 BE to transfer the Updated Sales Budget to item forecasts in the Forecasting module or in the Master Demand Schedule. The Updated Sales Budget must be transferred to trigger off the material plan and other planning tasks.