Insight Property

You can configure the Dataset Insight in Insight Property.
  1. In the Configuration section, specify this information:
    Specify a name for the insight report.
    Specify the type of the insight report.
    Optionally, specify a description for the insight report.
  2. In the Insight Dataset section, specify this information:
    Select a Dataset.
    Select a budget or default blank budget.
    Favorite View
    Optionally, drill to favorite view.
    Specify this information:
    Key Value
    Top Select if count of unique keys is from Top or Bottom.
    Count Specify the maximum key values.
    By data Specify a measure used for order of Top or Bottom.
    Data 1 Specify a measure.
    Data 2 Optionally, specify another measure.
    Numeric Key 1 Optionally, specify a numeric key to calculate NK1*Data1 for a simple AUM like calculation.
    Numeric Key 2 Optionally, specify a numeric key to calculate NK1*Data2 for a simple AUM like calculation.
    Header 1 Specify a column name for Data 1 measure in the Insight Table.
    Header 2 Specify a column name for Data 2 measure in the Insight Table.
    Formula Optionally, specify a calculated column. See list of available formulas.
    Header Formula Optionally, specify a column name of the calculated column.
    Time Horizon Optionally, specify a time horizon.
    Key Specify an initial selected key.
    Count in one budget Specify True or False to display key counts only from the selected budget.
    Theme Color Optionally, specify a value from 0 to 5 to color the chart.
    Theme Dark Optionally, specify True or False to display or undisplay a Dark themed version of the insight report.
    These are the available formulas:
    Formula Description
    None No formula
    Summery Measure 1 + Measure 2
    Difference Measure 1 - Measure 2
    Average Measure 1 / Count
    Ratio Measure 1 / Measure 2 (as Percentage)
    Margin (Measure 1 - Measure 2) / Measure 1 (as Percentage)
    MAPE ABS((Measure 1 -Measure 2) / Measure 1) (as Percentage)
    Accuracy signal (Measure 1 - Measure 2) / (Measure 1 + Measure 2)
    Note: Measure 1 is NK1*Data1.