The Alternate Units of Measurements (AUMs) are used as conversion factors such as weight, volume, or currency. This allows different base unit to be converted into an Alternate Units of Measurements, where it is possible to SUM and calculate across the items in a given dataset. For example, if the base unit of measurement in a Dataset is quantity or pallets, the AUMs can convert numbers to kilos or turnover. This enables you to forecast in other units than those included in the Dataset and facilitates the use of compatible numbers across the organization. Multiplying the base units in the forecast with a conversion factor produces alternative Units of Measurements columns. You can manipulate the AUM columns in the same way you manipulate the corresponding base unit columns provided that the AUMs have been deployed to all subjacent cells.

There are two types of AUMs:

  • Simple AUM (not time phased)
  • AUM (time phased)

Simple AUMs are recommended for use to perform simple unit conversions that does not change over time. These are the benefits of using Simple AUMs:

  • It is easier to handle and performs better.
  • It does not use Deploy AUM, which is a long running task.
  • It can be edited in the DMP grid in Favorite Views, if desired and can also be used in Calculated measures.

The other type of AUM can be time phased, that is, if you have different values in some time periods. The Advanced AUMs can be helpful for advanced pricelist models but is also difficult to setup. The Advanced AUMs uses a Deploy AUM process to insert the AUM factors to a dataset. This process is a long running task. It also uses the AUM Factor Edit grid to manually edit the factors but it can not be done in the favorite view.

  • The AUMs are defined at the version level and therefore shared between all Datasets in a version. The AUMs can only be viewed and manipulated in pivot sheets.
  • The AUMs are defined or imported from the standard M3 DMP menu screens. If ODBC is used, you still need to install this as a prerequisite.
  • After import of the AUMs, the conversion factors must be deployed to the structure by using the AUM Deploy functionality.
  • The functionality consists of a number of dialog boxes for defining, importing, editing, and deploying the AUMs.