Favorite View Properties

Favorite view properties define what parts of a dataset is selected for display. It also defines how the data is displayed. To open the Favorite View Properties, right-click on a favorite view record or use the Action menu in the application command bar.

Property Activity Options
General This Favorite View property contains the general settings for a favorite view. This enables you to perform these tasks:
  • Change the name
  • Change the description
  • Create or select a category
  • Select an owner
  • Select a scope
Settings This property enables you to select a display option. You can select the Pivot stack of the Grid or select the option to show Split Chart, Totals, and Fast Filter.

Use the Drill to settings to select keys in one view and open the selected keys in another view as an additional filter.

Drill to detail enables the user to investigate the detailed records that created the aggregated lines.

Display Settings The Information tab shows the options to display windows for filters, charts, additional key information, and pictures.

The Grid tab shows the options to control additional columns and the behavior of grids.

The Chart tab shows the options that can be applied to the chart.

These are the options in the Information tab:
  • Show Fast Filter enables the fast filter for the view.
  • Show Split Chart enables the split chart for the view.
  • Show Key Information enables the Key information. See Key Information.
  • Show Picture enables the Picture. For example product, brand logo, or location pictures.
  • View Icon enables a custom icon for the view.
  • View Menu configures a custom action menu for the view to execute Drill to view, Open view, Open or Execute Workflow, and Run Scripts.

These are the options in the Grid tab:

  • Show Total displays a Total sum column for the entire period range for each measure.
  • Show only Total columns hides the period columns so only the Total columns are visible.
  • Show Total Pct column displays a relative percentage for the group levels of the total columns
  • Expand details opens the view with the group levels expanded to the detailed level.
  • Auto size column width causes data column width to auto size. This operation can take a longer time for large number of rows and column in the grid. An alternative manual or on the fly auto size can be made in the grid by double-clicking or Left Shift + double-click for more precise sizing in the group area.
  • Auto update time series functions when data is changed in the grid then all calculated column gets recalculated. Since time series function will cause everything to recalculate, you can disable this option to save time with many changes. It is possible to manually trigger time series recalculation by clicking on the red exclamation point in the lower right corner.
  • Hatch and color changes at Group level marks the changes in the data with a background color so it is easier to see what data has been changed. When the feature is enabled, then the changed background color propagates through all group levels. The feature can be turned off to speed up the grid when large number of columns and rows exists.
  • Show calculated seasonality index displays the calculated season index when forecast is being recalculated. When grid is first loaded, this column is empty. The feature is available to give a visual representation of that seasonal index being applied by the forecast method.
  • Show outline window displays the Outline window. This is a floating window that allows you to see all the key columns including hidden columns and some additional information like the product picture, key information, and so on. The grid’s button panel can enable or disable the outline window.

These are the options in the Chart tab:

  • Show Auto Year bars displays the year levels as bar when the year is a group level.
  • Show Random Series colors enables a new series color for each series selected. Normally the series colors are determined by the Measure. This can be helpful when comparing different product by CTRL + Click multiple lines, for example, at group level.
Time Filter This property defines the timeline that the favorite view will display. The timeline can be an absolute time from and to a specific year and period, or a system Time Horizon that can be relative to time marks or managed and reused in several favorite views. These are the options in the Time Filter tab:
  • All shows the full-time range of the dataset.
  • Time Horizon shows a time range defined as a Time Horizon. This can be fixed or set to roll over and repeat itself.
  • Year / Period shows a time range defined by year and period.
Note: The benefit of using Time Horizon is that it can be defined relative to a Time Mark. It is easier to move the displayed time range of the view by simply editing the Time Mark.
Basic Keys The M3 Dataset keys are known as basic keys. You can define a view with a filter to only display a part of the dataset content. Key State is a filter option for the special Key State - life cycle or class of the record. Key Type is a filter option to filter for Phantoms.
Extra Keys

In the M3 Demand Planner dataset, you can define and name up to six extra keys that only exists in the Dataset Property dialog box.

On the Extra Key section, it is possible to filter and define groups for extra keys. The benefit of extra keys is that you can easily change it in the Grid and use it efficiently for data filtering.

Extra Keys can have Key Groups and Key Patterns defined similar to Basic Keys.

These are examples of returned records with extra keys.

    This returns records where the extra key is not exactly PROMO but inclusive of all empty extra key records.


    This returns records where the extra key is not exactly PROMO but exclusive of empty extra key records.


    This returns records where the extra key is not empty.

Aggregation   M3 Demand Planner can aggregate the dataset data thereby reducing the number of records displayed. You can do this for any number of Basic Keys and Extra Keys.

For example, it is possible to aggregate the Warehouse and Product group by effectively removing the Item Number level and other key levels.


You can select or deselect any attributes defined on the dataset in the Dataset Property dialog box. The attributes are usually descriptions or static information, such as status and so on.

Attributes must be assigned to a Favorite View of a Dataset to be selectable in the panel. In case of multiple Dataset, favorite views attributes should be assigned to the master Dataset. Only attributes defined to be used as extra columns are visible but Descriptive attributes are not.

Key Columns

Key Columns define the sequence of the columns and which columns are grouped.

Key Columns also define properties for subtotals, which is also used in aggregation, and what keys are grouped or selected as Fast Filters and if the Fast Filter is required.

In Key columns, you can specify if a Fast Filter can be selected or set to required.
Note: Fast Filter selection and Fast Filter required are only applicable if Show Fast Filter is selected in Settings.

Measures are dataset dependent data types combined with budget. In Measures, you can include or exclude the measures of the dataset from the view. It is also possible to select the same measure from previous years.

Selecting Ys-0, which year shift 0 is the standard, displays the data in the correct Period and Year.

Selecting Ys-1, Ys-2, or Ys-3 selects the data from previous years and display as an individual measure column or lines.

This type of display is usually associated with budgeting and makes most sense if only one year of data is selected in the Time Filter.


You can select or deselect any Alternative Unit of Measurement defined on the dataset in the Dataset Property dialog box.

The AUMs are usually prices and other conversion numbers that can vary over time.

Simple AUMs are used for unit and scale conversion, typical boxes, pallets, volume, and weight. Simple AUMs are recommended instead of time varying AUMs because they have better performance and are easier to maintain.

Calculated Measures  

The Calculated Measures or CM are calculated columns that can support sophisticated calculations with many functions available. See Calculated Measures.

Calculated Measures enable you to combine measures or to combine measures with simple arithmetic functions to create equations. You can test the validity of the equations using the Check Formula button.
Editable Calculated Measures

The Editable Calculated Measures or ECM are calculated columns that can support specific calculations that you can edit. The available ECM formulas are Ratio, Margin, Net Margin, Difference, and Sum.

Editable Calculated Measures allow you to combine measures with simple arithmetic functions to create equations that distribute the changes to the included measures in accordance with the ECM equation.

Note: The linked data types, which are part of the mapped measures included in ECMs, are evaluated for cyclic references. If any cyclic references are detected, then the datatype links are broken.
Value Columns

The Value Columns specify how the data is displayed. You can specify the order, name, number of decimals, percentage format, and group level calculation mode. You can hide some of the measures in case it needs to be in the view to be used in Formulas for CM or ECM.

Updatable columns have a check box that is default on but can be checked off to make the column read-only in the favorite view.

The column Measure identifies the column type. It can be a named measure or a calculated measure.

You can define a Time Horizon on a value column to only display the column in a specific time range. Time Horizon controls the period displayed in the measure values in the grid and chart.

Distribution defines how to distribute changes in an aggregated view using a numeric key value.

Time Horizon has been added. Defined Public Time Horizon is displayed in the drop-down list for all the measures. When a Time Horizon is selected, the measure it was defined will only display on the specified range of the Time Horizon. By default, no Time Horizon is assigned for each measure. A toggle button for Time Horizon window is also available.

Scenario M3 Demand Planner normally gives one default scenario to each user. A scenario can hold many scenario parts (SP) or sales activities (SA). Administrators are allowed to define favorite views that can include others SP and SA. You can select which SA/SP to include. If you have multiple datasets, you can attach a dataset and a scenario to your favorite view by selecting it from a list of available scenarios.
Distribution If distribution is enabled, M3 Demand Planner will show a detailed time level, for example, days are displayed even if the Dataset is defined in weeks. M3 DMP maintains distribution tables in M3 BE that allows the Business Engine to break down the weekly forecast into days. In M3 DMP, you are allowed to modify data on a daily level and provide an easy and behind the scene maintenance of distributions with a detailed distribution display.  
User Changes

The User Changes option in Favorite Views creates a special view where each changes you made are displayed as a separate record.

When this feature is enabled, the grid displays an additional key column user. You can group and sort on this column as any other key in M3 DMP.

You can select the users and the From and To Data displays any completed cycles that you must select to specify which changes are reviewed.

Note:  If you change any property settings in the Favorite View Properties dialog box, then the particular property is displayed in blue color. If you change the properties of a Favorite View, then the changes will take effect in all occurrences of that Favorite View.