Price and Availability

Use this widget to view a specific item's sales price and availability in different warehouses.

You can select an item from the Item Details widget in your homepage or workspace, or from Infor M3. When you select an item, the Price and Availability widget shows the sales price together with the graph showing all available stocks distributed in different warehouses. If you click a single bar in the graph, it will drill back to 'Item. Connect Warehouse' (MMS002). You can also search for an item using the item number to view other items other than the selected item.


  • Before using the widget, you must activate these tables in the M3 Function Search administration:
    • OOLINE
    • MITBAL
  • Ensure that the Item Details widget is added along with the Price and Availability widget from the widget catalog on your homepage or workspace. The Price and Availability widget retrieves data based on your selected item from the Item Details widget.
    Note: Workspace is only available in Infor OS Portal.

See information about updating table indexes in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).

APIs used in the widget

The Price and Availability widget requires application program interfaces (APIs) that retrieve and display appropriate data.

This table shows details about M3 APIs available in this widget:

Program Transaction
CMS100MI Lst_WD_CuoCoLn
CMS100MI Lst_WD_AtpWhsBy
MMS200MI SearchItem
MMS200MI Get
MMS200MI GetItmPrice
OIS345MI LstPriceMargin
MNS150MI GetUserData
OIS100MI GetLine

See information about testing and running an API and its corresponding transaction in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).

Supported context message

This widget receives this published inforBusinessContext or inforWidgetContext message: InforItemMaster.