M3 Information Creator

Use this widget to create a new data in M3.

You can run this widget as standalone or retrieve data from another widget based on your selected item, customer, or other objects. The retrieved data depends on the entity declared on the widget configuration. You can also integrate this widget with Infor Go to use its scan functionality.


  • As a prerequisite to Infor Go, you must install and configure the application in your mobile devices. To know the installation and configuration setup, see Infor Go for Android and iOS in the Infor OS User and Administration Documentation Library (Cloud).

    When you have configured the widget and the Infor Go application, you can click the camera icon to scan QR codes and get values for a specific item. Although, you must strictly follow this format for the code to be interpreted in the widget: { "FieldId1": "FieldValue1", "FieldId2": "FieldValue2" }.

  • To require the widget to use context message values, ensure that the M3 Information Viewer or other related widgets that publish InforWidgetContext messages are added to your workspace. In M3, you must start a program that publishes the required InforBusinessContext messages.