
Use this H5 script on 'Customer Order. Open Line' (OIS101/B) to prevent adding a customer order line with alternate U/M unless the basic U/M quantity equivalent is exact, and without decimals.

Also, the script provides two choices that fulfill these conditions.
Note: This script only works in the new H5 UI and is specific to (OIS101/B).


You must add the conversion factor and conversion form on 'Item. Connect Alternate U/M' (MMS015/B1) first before using the M3_H5_ConverterUOM script on 'Customer Order. Open Line' (OIS101/B).

Script argument

This table shows the argument required for this script:
Argument Example Optional Descriptions
Alternate unit of measure (U/M) KG No The alternate unit of measure to trigger the script

Converting an existing unit of measure on (OIS101/B)

  1. From 'Customer Order. Open Toolbox' (OIS300/B), right-click an item and select Related > Order lines.
  2. Add the M3_H5_ConverterUOM script and argument on (OIS101/B).

    See procedure for adding a script in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).

  3. Refresh the program panel.
  4. On (OIS101/B1), specify the values required for Item, Order qty, Sales price, and U/M. Click Add.
    Note: The U/M value must be similar to the script argument.
  5. In the New Quantity pop-up window, click the nearest converted value for the item that follows the alternate unit of measure. A new customer line with updated alternate U/M is created.