Supported macros for the input field
- Infor entities macros
The macros for entities uses this format: {<infor_provided_entity_name>}. For example, {InforCustomerPartyMaster}. Take note that the user should also add the same entity name on the entity type column when configuring the input parameter.
- Location macros
The macros for location uses this format: {<coordinate>, [<no_of_decimals>]} where the value inside the square brackets [] are optional.
The types of location macros include:- {longitude}
- {latitude}
- {latitude, 3} where 3 is optional in this example
- Date macros
The date macros uses this format: DATE(<integer>), where the value of integer calculates the time frame from the current date. For example:
- DATE(-30): calculates date of 30 days behind from the current date
- DATE(0): current date
- DATE(+30): calculates date of 30 days ahead from the current date
This list contains the date macros:
- DATE: A day value
- WEEK: A date range value for a week
- MONTH: A date range value for a month
- YEAR: A date range value for a year
- PERI4: A period value for a month with four characters in YYMM format
- PERI6: A period value for a month with six characters in YYYYMM format
- PERY4: A range period value for a year with four characters in YYMM format. For example, 2201 TO 2212.
- PERY6: A range period value for a year with six characters in YYYYMM format
- User context macrosThe macros for user context uses this format: {<user context fields>}.Note: The user context fields are retrieved from the current user records from (MNS150).
This list contains the supported user context macros:
- {CHNO} - change number for project ID
- {CONM} - user's division name
- {CONO} - user's company
- {CSYS} - connected system
- {CUNO} - customer
- {DCFM} - user's decimal format
- {DEPT} - user's department
- {DEVD} - user's location
- {DFMN} - user's start menu
- {DIVI} - user's division
- {DTFM} - user's date format
- {EMAL} - user's email address
- {EUID} - external user id
- {EQAL} - user's equipment alias search sequence
- {FACI} - user's facility
- {FADT} - first active date
- {FRF6} - free field 1
- {FRF7} - free field 2
- {FRF8} - free field 3
- {LANC} - user's language
- {LADT} - last active date
- {MNVR} - user's menu version
- {NAME} - user's full name
- {PHNO} - telephone number
- {PROE} - profile
- {TFNO} - facsimile transmission number
- {TIZO} - user's time zone
- {TX40} - user's company name
- {ULTP} - user license type
- {USID} - user's ID
- {USTA} - user's status
- {USTP} - user's type
- {WHLO} - user's warehouse