
Use this H5 script to call an API to perform a specific task in a list panel, for example, changing the status of a supplier or an item.
Note: This script only works in the new H5 UI.

Script arguments

  • Argument to be used on 'Supplier. Open' (CRS620/B) to update any supplier status.
    Set Status to 30|7|60||CRS620MI|UpdSupplier|SUNO:<SUNO>;STAT:30|Success|Supplier is stopped
    Argument Example Optional Descriptions
    Button name Set Status to 30 No You can use any button name which depends on your requirement. The default name is Generic API Call.
    Target row for the button 7 No Specify any row selection for the button placement.
    Target column for the button 60 No Specify any column selection for the button placement.
    Button color empty Yes Use any hexadecimal color code based on your requirement. The script uses the default color if color is undefined in the argument.
    Program CRS620MI No The MI program that has the transaction.
    Transaction UpdSupplier No The required transaction to be used by the API.
    Input fields SUNO:<SUNO>;STAT:30 No The input fields for the transaction.

    The argument is separated by a semi-colon. Additionally, the symbols < and > are used to retrieve value from the given field name in the program, for example, SUNO:<SUNO>; BANO:<CERN>;WHLO:CH1.

    Success message header Success No After the API call is processed without any errors, the message containing the header is displayed in the pop-up.
    Success message body Supplier is stopped No After the API call is processed without any errors, the message body that describes the successful transaction is displayed in the pop-up.
  • Argument to be used on 'Item. Open' (MMS001/B) to update any item status.

    20|7|60|#134D71|MMS200MI|UpdItmBasic|ITNO:<ITNO>;STAT:20|Success|Status is set to 20

    Argument Example Optional Descriptions
    Button name 20 No You can use any button name which depends on your requirement. The default name is Generic API Call.
    Target row for the button 7 No Specify any row selection based on your requirement.
    Target column for the button 60 No Specify any column selection based on your requirement.
    Button color #134D71 Yes Use any hexadecimal color code based on your requirement. The script uses the default color if color is undefined in the argument.
    Program MMS200MI No The MI program that has the transaction.
    Transaction UpdItmBasic No The required transaction or request to be used by the API.
    Input fields ITNO:<ITNO>;STAT:20 No The required input fields for the transaction. The argument is separated by a semi-colon. Additionally, the symbols < and > are used to retrieve value from the given field name in the program, for example, ITNO:<ITNO>; BANO:<CERN>;WHLO:CH1.
    Success message header Success No After the API call is processed without any errors, the message containing the header is displayed in the pop-up.
    Success message body Status is set to 20 No After the API call is processed without any errors, the message body that describes the successful transaction is displayed in the pop-up.