Configuring the Supplier Creation widget

  1. Click the menu icon (…) on the widget title bar and select Configure.
  2. Specify this information:
    Click the unlock button and specify a widget title.
    Select a template.
    Note: The user should create the data from the Supplier Master list first before the respective template can be loaded as an option from this field.
    Will you be using a Workflow for Supplier approval
    Enable this setting to change the status of the supplier to '10-Preliminary' on 'Supplier. Open' (CRS620/E). This setting is disabled by default.
    Enable Automatic Supplier Numbering
    Enable this setting to configure the supplier number that is automatically assigned to the template. The supplier number should not exceed more than 10 characters.
    Number of Letters from Country
    Select the number of letters from the country code to be configured as part of the supplier ID. This field is only visible when the Enable Automatic Supplier Numbering setting is enabled.
    Number of Letters from Postal code
    Specify the number of letters from the postal code to be configured as part of the supplier ID. This field is only visible when the Enable Automatic Supplier Numbering setting is enabled.
    Number of Letters from Supplier Name
    Specify the number of letters from the supplier name to be configured as part of the supplier ID. This field is only visible when the Enable Automatic Supplier Numbering setting is enabled.
    Number of Positions in the Number Series
    Select the number of positions in the number series to be configured as part of the supplier ID. This field is only visible when the Enable Automatic Supplier Numbering setting is enabled.
    Enable Infor AI Model
    Enable this setting to check duplicate supplier records and identify records to be excluded. Click the help (?) icon to know where to request assistance for the correct configuration of this setting in Infor AI.

    See information about endpoints in the Infor Artificial Intelligence User Guide (Cloud).

    Check Name Duplicate Endpoint
    Specify the endpoint that is defined in Infor AI to check records with name duplicates.
    Check Attr Duplicate Endpoint
    Specify the endpoint that is defined in Infor AI to check records with attribute duplicates.
    Check Watchlist Endpoint
    Specify the endpoint that is defined in Infor AI to check records that should be excluded.
  3. Click Save.