Accounts Receivable Controller Workspace

The accounts receivable controller uses the workspace to manage invoices and oversee the full life cycle of the transaction from the shipment of goods to the receipt of payment. From the workspace, reminder letters are created for differing levels of escalation that are reviewed and issued to the customer as required. Invoices placed on stop are displayed for all customers in a single view, together with Tickler Notes that record interactions with the customer to allow faster resolution of reported issues. Credit tracking is also available for detailing the remaining credit available of a customer in graphical form with drilldown to the detail. This monitoring enables efficient management of customer accounts before they exceed credit limits. Days outstanding views, when generated, determine the days customers are taking on average to pay invoices. This view serves as a guide to potential issues and help in cashflow management for better management of customer debt.

In summary, the workspace enables the Accounts Receivable Controller to manage all aspects of the invoice life cycle and the credit control function through a single, easy to use workspace which is designed specifically for the role.

This workspace contains these widgets:
Widget Description
My Day Displays the current date, greeting message, and the user's icon with first name.
Top 10 - Outstanding Debt & Overdue Amount Presents the top 10 payers with their respective overdue and outstanding invoice amounts in a horizontal bar graph.

Hover over a bar line to show the total value of overdue and outstanding invoices in a tooltip. You can click a bar line to drill down. On the records page, right-click a record and select Open to perform a drillback to M3.

See M3 Information Viewer.

Order value not invoiced Displays a chart of customers and their respective order value amount that are not invoiced.

Hover over a chart section to show the order value that is not invoiced and its respective payer in a tooltip. Click a section from the chart to perform a drill down. On the records page, right-click a record and select Open to perform a drillback to M3.

See M3 Information Viewer.

On Your Radar Focuses on managing priority tasks.

This widget contains matrices that open card tasks in the Required Actions widget:

  • Payment reminders: Displays the total count of outstanding invoices that are grouped based on the number of payment reminders set for each invoice using the RMQT field and stopped invoices.
  • Review AR balances and aged invoices: Displays the total count of invoices that are sent in the last thirty days, invoices that are overdue with a maximum of thirty days from the current date, open invoices that range from thirty to ninety days old from the current date, and invoices that are high risk and are older than ninety days.
  • Open credit notes: Displays the total count of open credit notes.
  • Customer data - action required: Displays the total count of customers that are tagged with status 10, customers with credit blocked value set between 1 and 3, customer invoices with payment reminders that are stopped, and tickler notes for each payee. The tickler note can either be description of action items, reminders, or a brief note from a discussion with a customer.
For every card task, click Review to view a breakdown of records and identify tasks to address. Optionally, you may hide a card task by clicking the bell icon. When you review the available records, you may access these additional functionality through clicking Review or View All:
  • Select all or any records to export. Click Export to CSV.
  • Drill back into an M3 program by clicking a record with a working link.
  • Search for a particular record.

On the Required Actions widget, clicking View All provides you a single view of all records in tabular format. Whereas, clicking View snooze list enables you to show the list of hidden card tasks. From the list, you can return a hidden card task on the main widget display by clicking Unsnooze.

Quick Actions

Displays all tasks that you perform frequently

This widget shows these default tasks:

  • Update tickler information: Shows the list of customers with available tickler notes or customer feedback that you can update.
  • Update customer information: Shows a list of customers and their corresponding details which you can update. Customer details for this workspace are related to finance or general ledger, for example supplying values for VAT, cash discount terms, and credit limit. After saving the record, a message is displayed with the customer ID which you can click to perform a drillback to M3 where the customer record is stored.
  • Where am I working: Use this option to check in at the current location where you are working. The checked in location is updated in the user profile in 'User. Open' (MNS150).

    See Where am I working.

Important Links Provides direct access to preconfigured programs in the Infor M3 application. This widget shows default links that drill back to M3 where you can view more details.

See menu widget in the Infor OS User and Administration Documentation Library.

Customer Contacts

Use this widget to get the contact information of customers who are registered in M3 through 'Customer. Open' (CRS610). When you access the widget, it displays records linked to the logged-in user. You can browse through the customers, each showing their corresponding number, name, and associated contact information.

See Customer Contacts.

Available to Spend Use this widget to know the credit limit information and the risk values of a particular customer.

See Available to Spend.

APIs used in the workspace widgets

This table shows the APIs used in varying widgets for this workspace:
Widget Program Transaction
Top 10 - Outstanding Debt & Overdue Amount CRS610MI SearchCustCred
Order value not Invoiced CRS610MI SearchCustCred
On Your Radar

Payment Reminders

ARS200MI SearchInvoices
On Your Radar

Review AR Balances and Aged Invoices

ARS200MI SearchInvoices
On Your Radar

Open Credit Notes

ARS200MI SearchInvoices
On Your Radar

Customer data - action required

CRS610MI SearchCustomer
On Your Radar

Customer data - action required

ARS200MI SearchInvoices
On Your Radar

Customer data - action required

RMS440MI SearchTickleNot
Quick actions

Update Customer Information

CRS610MI SearchCustomer
Quick actions

Update Customer Information

CRS610MI GetFinancial
Quick actions

Update Customer Information

CRS610MI ChgFinancial
Quick actions

Update Customer Information

CRS030MI LstVat
Quick actions

Update Customer Information

Quick actions

Update Customer Information

CRS650MI LstByCode
Quick actions

Update Customer Information

TXS003MI GetVATRegNoVali
Quick actions

Update Customer Information

TXS070MI SimulateVatRegN
Quick actions

Update Customer Information

MNS150MI GetUserData
Quick actions

Update Tickler Information

RMS440MI SearchTickleNot
Quick actions

Update Tickler Information

RMS440MI GetTickleNote
Quick actions

Update Tickler Information

RMS440MI UpdTickleNote
Quick actions

Update Tickler Information

Quick actions

Update Tickler Information

MNS150MI GetUserData
Quick actions

Update Tickler Information

MNS150MI LstUserData
Where am I working MNS150MI GetUserData
Where am I working CMS100MI Lst_WD_WHAMWI
Where am I working CMS250MI CheckIn
Customer Contacts CMS100MI Lst_WD_CUSTOMER
Customer Contacts CMS100MI Lst_WD_CustCont
Customer Contacts EXPORTMI Select
Customer Contacts CRS621MI Lst
Customer Contacts MNS150MI GetUserData
Customer Contacts CRS610MI GetOrderInfo
Customer Contacts CRS610MI GetBasicData
Available to spend CRS610MI GetBasicData
Available to spend CRS610MI GetFinancial
Available to spend CRS610MI SearchCustCred
Available to spend CRS610MI GetOrderInfo

Programs and sorting orders used in the workspace

The drillback functionality in some of the workspace widgets require specific configuration for filtering the correct data in Infor M3. When you perform a drillback to any program, check for the Function Search query. If the Function Search is disabled, you must create a record by specifying a combination of program, sorting order, and table for the search on 'Standard Search. Open' (CMS021/B).

This table shows the programs with their corresponding sorting order and table information all of which should be in active status:

Program Sorting order Table