In-Context Information

Use this widget to show M3 data in a chart format. These types of charts are available:

  • Area: A display of quantitative data connected by line segments and the area below the line is covered with color.
  • Bar: A horizontal comparison of data through the use of columns.
  • Column: A vertical comparison of data that shares the same category or label.
  • Count: A numeric display of data wherein a set of digits represent the count or amount of a specific value.
  • Donut: A concentric display where a row of data forms a segment and each segment corresponds to the total value of the ring.
  • Line: A representation of a series of data points connected by a line. When multiple variables are in place, the chart may display a trend.
  • List: An enumeration of data.
  • Pie: Distribution of data in the form of slices within a circular graph. Each division equates to a portion of the total data that corresponds to a certain value.
  • Multi-area: An extension of the Area chart where multiple sets of data are simultaneously visualized on the same graph.
  • Multi-line: An extension of the Line chart where multiple sets of data are simultaneously visualized on the same graph.
You can perform these tasks in this widget:
  • Configure the chart settings.
  • Refresh the chart by clicking the refresh icon from the widget title bar.
  • Export and upload chart configurations to and from a CSV file.
  • Add and delete chart configurations.
  • Drill back to M3 where the data for the currently selected chart is available.


Before using the widget, you must have knowledge about the M3 fields, programs, and transactions that you intend to use.

Supported context messages

  • inforBusinessContext (application)
  • inforWidgetContext (widget)

APIs used in the widget

This widget requires application program interfaces (APIs) that retrieve and display the appropriate data.

This table shows details about M3 APIs available in this widget:
Program Transaction
CUSEXTMI AddFieldValue
CUSEXTMI ChgFieldValue, DelFieldValue, LstFieldValue
MNS035MI LstByEntity
MNS150MI GetUserData

See information about testing and running an API and its corresponding transaction in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).