Receive Purchase Order

Use this widget to record goods receipts for a specific purchase order (PO) which is done manually through M3 in 'Purchase Order. Received Goods' (PPS300).

You can open (PPS300) by clicking the drillback button in a purchase order line.


Before using the widget, you must activate these tables in the M3 Function Search administration:

See information about updating table indexes in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).

Using the Receive Purchase Order widget

  1. Search for the purchase order lines by specifying any of this information:
    • PO number
    • Item number
    • Supplier number
    • Combination of item number and supplier number
  2. Select the line of a specific purchase order that triggers a modal pop-up containing more PO information.
  3. Specify this information:
    Delivery note
    Specify a note for the delivery.
    Specify the date the receipt is created. Specifying a future date is disabled.
    Lot number
    Specify the lot number of the item. This field is only available for lot-controlled items.
    Add receive qty
    Specify the quantity to receive. If you specify a number that is more than the remaining quantity, a dialog box is displayed.
    Specify the location.
    Optionally, specify the user ID of the receiver.
  4. To see the previously created receipts for the PO line, click Previous receipts. To go back to the PO line details, click Back.
  5. Click Submit.

APIs used in the widget

The Receive Purchase Order widget requires application program interfaces (APIs) that retrieve and display appropriate data.

This table shows details about M3 APIs available in this widget:
Program Transaction
CRS620MI SearchSupplier
MMS005MI LstWarehouses
MMS005MI GetWarehouse
MNS150MI GetUserData
PPS200MI LstReceiptsByPO
PPS001MI Receipt
MNS150MI LstUserData
MMS200MI Get
MMS010MI ListLocations
PPS200MI GetLine
PPS345MI Get
  • You can use ION APIs to integrate with Infor Document Management (IDM). To know more about the available ION APIs, contact your system administrator.
  • See information about testing and running an API and its corresponding transaction in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).