Customer Contacts

Use this widget to get the contact information of customers who are registered in M3 through 'Customer. Open' (CRS610). When you access the widget, it displays records linked to the logged-in user. You can browse through the customers, each showing their corresponding number, name, and associated contact information.

Note: Before you use the widget, consider this information:
  • Data to be loaded on this widget is user-specific. The widget accepts the login user ID by default and retrieves customer record registered in M3 through 'Customer. Open' (CRS610) where the login user ID has been mapped as a responsible or a sales person.
  • You can override the logged-in user ID in the configuration section of the widget to retrieve the customer record of another user ID in place of the logged-in user.
  • You can filter by contact type as defined in 'Contact Type. Open' (CRS621) where the widget retrieves customer records mapped with the appropriate contact type in 'Customer. Connect Contact' (CMS055) to get a specific customer and its corresponding contact details.
You can perform these tasks in the widget:
  • Search for a specific customer in the widget using a user ID or name. The search results follow the applied contact type and customer status filters based on the widget configuration.
  • Click the email address of the customer to open an email application available in the user system to send email to the customer's mail address.
  • Click the customer phone number to make outgoing calls to the customer number.
    Note: Calling feature is dependent on the application that is available on the user's machine.
  • Click More details to view this information:
    • The header contains the number and name of the primary customer.
    • The left pane shows the details of the primary customer, such as address, discount group, warehouse, customer group, responsible, and status.
    • In the opposite column, you can view the Primary Contact section and use the contact details to reach out to the selected customer.
    • The Other Contacts section shows the list of other associated customers with their summarized details, such as name, job title, status, and contact type. You can directly send an email or call any other customer from the list.
    • As part of the widget configuration, you can filter the other contacts by contact type and contact statuses.
  • Click the drillback icon to perform a drill back to M3 programs or custom web links.


  • Before using the widget, you must activate these tables in the M3 Function Search administration:
    • OCUSMA
    • CMNUSR
    • MITWHL
    • OCUSCO
    • CEMAIL
    • CCUCON

    See information about updating table indexes in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).

  • To use the outgoing call feature of the widget, you must have a calling feature-enabled application that is available in your system, for example, Microsoft Teams and other related applications.

APIs used in the widget

This widget requires application program interfaces (APIs) that retrieve and display the appropriate data.

This table shows details about M3 APIs available in this widget:
Program Transaction
CRS621MI Lst
CMS100MI Lst_WD_CustCont
CRS610MI SearchCustomer
CRS610MI GetBasicData

See information about testing and running an API and its corresponding transaction in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).

Supported context messages

This widget receives these published inforBusinessContext and inforWidgetContext messages:

  • InforCustomerPartyMaster
  • InforBillToPartyMaster