Unit of Measure Conversion

Use this widget to perform a conversion between Units Of Measure (UOM) and the available alternatives defined for a specific item in 'Item. Connect Alternate U/M' (MMS015).

When you select an item from either the Item Details widget or from M3, you can view details, such as the item number and name, basic UOM, total and basic weight, total and basic volume, net weight, and free cap units.

After the summarized details, you can select these tabs, Display and Calculate UOM. The Display tab, which is also the default tab on the widget display, shows the default unit of measure and all the alternate unit of measures that are mapped to your item. Additional details for each unit of measure such as the defined quantity, conversion factor, and gross weight of your selected item are displayed. On the Calculate UOM tab however you can convert the default UOM, for example Kilograms (Kg), to an alternate UOM, for example Pounds (Lb), where UOM conversion is based on the conversion factor between Kg to Lb as defined in (MMS015) and the quantity that you have specified in the widget.

You can change the title of the widget as necessary.


Ensure that the Item Details widget is added along with the Unit of Measure Conversion widget from the widget catalog on your homepage or workspace. The Unit of Measure Conversion widget retrieves data based on your selected item from the Item Details widget.
Note: Workspace is only available in Infor OS Portal.

APIs used in the widget

This widget requires application program interfaces (APIs) that retrieve and display appropriate data.

This table shows details about M3 APIs available in this widget:

Program Transaction
CRS050MI List
CRS175MI GetItemFreeFlds
MMS200MI Get
MMS015MI Lst

To use and test the API, see procedure about Running of MI Transaction in Infor M3 Core Infrastructure and Technology User Guide.

Supported context messages

This widget receives this published inforBusinessContext and inforWidgetContext message:
  • InforItemMaster