Tailored Service Guidelines

Use this widget to retrieve troubleshooting guidelines associated with a specific service rendered for a product. The guidelines include the product error, possible causes, troubleshooting actions, repair comments, and notes. Based on the product’s historical record of rendered services compiled by the Tailored Service Guidelines widget, Gen AI generates the guidelines. The information displayed on the widget is also saved as a record in the text block of ‘Work Order. Open’ (MOS100) in Infor M3.


  • When you use the widget from M3, you must add the Service Planner Insights application. From the Administration Tools, go to Experience Designer and select the application from the dashboard. When you select a product or service from the Service Planner Insights application, the widget shows the corresponding guidelines for the selected product or service.
  • When you use the widget from homepage or workspace, ensure that you add the M3 Information Viewer. Through an API, the Tailored Service Guidelines widget uses the work orders or services retrieved by the M3 Information Viewer widget.

APIs used in the widget

This widget requires application program interfaces (APIs) that retrieve and display data.

This table shows the M3 APIs available in this widget:
Program Transaction
MOS057MI LstByProduct
MMS200MI GetItmBasic
MOS300MI GetBasic

See information about testing and running an API in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).

Supported context messages

This widget receives these published inforBusinessContext and inforWidgetContext messages:
  • InforProductNumber - PRNO
  • InforWorkOrderNumber - WONO or MWNO
  • InforService - SUFI
  • InforSerialNumber - BANO
  • InforProductStructureType - STRT
  • InforFacility - FACI

Generating the service guidelines

  1. Click any product or service from an existing work order.
  2. On the Service Guidelines widget, click Generate. The Guidelines dialog shows the service summary and the service guidelines to be posted on the widget.
  3. Optionally, update the service guidelines generated by Gen AI.
  4. Click Save.