Customer Equipment List

Use this widget to show the list of equipment for a specific customer.

You can select a customer from either the Customer Contacts widget or from 'Customer. Open' (CRS610) in Infor M3. When you select a customer, the available equipment is displayed in the Customer Equipment List widget. The list view shows the equipment's item number, serial number, registration number, and meter reading.

You can see the ownership type and additional details for every piece of equipment. You can filter the ownership types and click the ownership badge connected to a drillback that opens 'Equipment/Serialized Item. Open' (MMS240). When you expand the equipment information, you can view additional details with the corresponding number of records returned by the API transactions. Each detail is also connected to a drillback functionality that opens M3 programs accordingly:
  • Warranty: redirects you to 'Equipment. Connect Warranty' (MOS390)
  • Recall - redirects you to 'Eng order. Update Affected Serial No' (MOS220)
  • Jobs- redirects you to 'Work order. Open' (MOS100)
  • Complaint redirects you to 'Complaint. Open' (MOS500)


  • Before using the widget, you must activate these tables in the M3 Function Search administration:
    • MILOIN
    • MITMAS
    • ADECPL
    • MOOPGM

    See information about updating table indexes in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).

  • Ensure that the Customer Contacts widget is added along with the Customer Address widget from the widget catalog on your homepage or workspace. The Customer Equipment List widget depends on the customer data that are configured in the Customer Contacts widget.

APIs used in the widget

The Customer Equipment List widget requires application program interfaces (APIs) that retrieve and display the appropriate data.

This table shows the available M3 APIs for this widget:
Program Transaction
MMS240MI GetBasic
MMS241MI LstMeters
MOS100MI SearchWo
MOS390MI CheckWar
MNS150MI GetUserData

See information about testing and running an API and its corresponding transaction in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).

Supported context message

This widget receives this published inforBusinessContext and inforWidgetContext message: InforCustomerPartyMaster.