M3 Inventory Planning Workbench

Infor M3 Inventory Planning Workbench improves your planning decisions by indentifying the essential highlights and exceptions in your material plan.

It is a tool for viewing, simulating, and editing inventory, demand, and supply across multiple variable time buckets. It provides support for monitoring material and product inventory planning in manufacturing and distribution companies. The functionality provides support for these roles and processes.

  • Buyers: Forecasts a time-phased inventory projection across different items that are grouped per supplier
  • Customer service: Indicates items that are available for sale and push marketing as opposed to items with low inventory levels that may experience shortages

Highlights and exceptions are defined in the application by a flexible color-coding feature that enables you to identify the most critical planning issues and items that require immediate action. These key indicators and measures can help you in your decision-making process:

  • Dynamic coverage time per time bucket and coverage time in relationship to shelf life
  • Safety stock and maximum inventory violations
  • Forecast fulfillment %
  • Expected future negative shelf life issues and positive inventory reclassification
  • Forecast versus order stock comparison