Configuring the Customer Contacts widget

  1. Click the menu icon (…) on the widget title bar and select Configure.
  2. Specify this information:
    Click the unlock button and specify a widget title.
    Max number of lines
    Select the maximum number of customer records to be displayed on the widget.
    Default search query
    Specify the search query definition that returns the available customer information based on the query configured.
    Override user
    Select which facilities to view.

    All Facilities, which is a default value, shows all existing facilities assigned to varying customers. You can also select My Facilities to show only the facilities that are assigned to you.


    Specify a user ID registered in M3 to get contact information related to a specific user or specify asterisk (*) to display customers across all users.

    Contact Type
    Select from the list of options to filter the customers that belong to a specific contact type.
    Customer Status
    Select from the list of options to filter the customers that are assigned to a specific customer status.
    Contact Status
    Select from the list to set the status or category for the contact information.
    Override Drillback
    Select any available M3 program from the list to override the default drillback link. To add a drillback that is not available from the list of options, select Custom Url.
    Override Custom Drillback Name
    Specify a name that you can see if you pause on your custom drillback. This field only becomes available if Custom Url is selected in Override Drillback.
    Override Custom Drillback
    Specify a URL for the drillback. This field only becomes available if Custom Url is selected in Override Drillback.
    Additional Drillback
    Select any available M3 program from the list to create additional drillback link. To add a drillback that is not available from the list of options, select Custom Url.
    Additional Custom Drillback Name
    Specify a name that you can see if you pause on your additional custom drillback. This field only becomes available if Custom Url is selected in Additional Drillback.
    Additional Custom Drillback
    Specify a URL for the additional drillback. This field only becomes available if Custom Url is selected in Additional Drillback.
  3. Click Save.