Open Invoices By Customer

Use this widget to view the open invoices for a selected customer.

You may also perform these tasks in the widget:
  • Change the title of the widget as necessary.
  • Search for a particular invoice using the invoice number.
  • Change the details of the open invoice header which depends on the activated business context messages and the mapped payer. You can publish the context messages from the user settings through Tools > Context Publisher > Infor Business Context. As for the mapping of the payer, you can do it through ' Customer. Open' (CRS610/J).
    To see both the customer and payer details in the header:
    • Map the payer and enable both the InforCustomerPartyMaster and InforBillToPartyMaster messages.
    • Map the payer and enable only the InforCustomerPartyMaster message.
    To see only the customer details:
    • Enable only the InforCustomerPartyMaster message.
    • Enable both the InforCustomerPartyMaster and InforBillToPartyMaster messages.
    To see only the payer details:
    • Map the payer and enable only the InforBillToPartyMaster message.
    To see an empty header:
    • Enable only the InforBillToPartyMaster message.
    • Map the payer without enabling any messages.


  • Before using the widget, you must activate the FSLEDG table in the M3 Function Search administration. See information about updating table indexes in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).
  • Ensure that the Customer Contacts widget is added along with the Open Invoices by Customer widget from the widget catalog on your homepage or workspace. The Open Invoices by Customer widget retrieves data based on your selected customer from the Customer Contacts widget.
    Note: Workspace is only available in Infor OS Portal.

APIs used in the widget

This widget requires application program interfaces (APIs) that retrieve and display appropriate data.

This table shows details about M3 APIs available in this widget:

Program Transaction
CRS610MI GetOrderInfo
CRS610MI GetBasicData

See information about testing and running an API and its corresponding transaction in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud)..

Supported context messages

This widget receives these published inforBusinessContext and inforWidgetContext messages:
  • InforAgreementCustomer
  • InforBillToPartyMaster
  • InforCustomerPartyMaster
    Note: This message is received only in M3.