Supplier Creation

Use this widget to create a supplier using a template. The template is created in M3 and can only be loaded into this widget through the configuration.

You can refresh data by clicking the refresh icon from the widget title bar or clear the data by selecting Clear Data from the menu icon.

Adding a new supplier

  1. Click Add New.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify a template name.
    Note: This field is auto-populated if you configured the widget to update an existing template.
    Supplier number
    Specify a unique supplier number.
    Note: If the Enable Automatic Supplier Numbering setting is enabled in the widget configuration, you cannot edit this field.
    Supplier name
    Specify a supplier name.
    Phone number
    Specify the supplier's phone number.
    VAT registration number
    Optionally, specify the supplier's VAT registration number. Ensure that the VAT registration number is valid and mapped in 'VAT Reg Number Validation Policy. Open' (TXS300). Otherwise, an alert message is triggered on the widget after you provide an invalid value.
    Organization number
    Optionally, specify the supplier's organization number.
    Supplier Group
    Select a supplier group.
    Note: This field is auto-populated if you selected a template containing a supplier group in the widget configuration.
    Select a buyer.
    Note: This field is auto-populated if you selected a template containing a buyer in the widget configuration.
    Supplier search key
    Specify a search key.
    Address line 1
    Specify the supplier address.
    Address line 2
    Specify the supplier address.
    Address line 3
    Specify the supplier address.
    Address line 4
    Specify the supplier address.
    Specify the city based on the supplier address.
    Postal code
    Specify the postal code based on the supplier address.
    Specify the country based on the supplier address.
    Note: This field is auto-populated if you selected a template containing a country in the widget configuration.
    Specify a state only when applicable depending on the selected country.
  3. Click Next.

    If the Enable Infor AI Model setting is enabled in the widget configuration, you are presented with additional record checks before the supplier is created. In the Duplicate suppliers window, you can verify the list of duplicate records. The first row always shows the fields on the widget that has input. When you click Export, the input data which uses the first row in the output together with the succeeding duplicate records are downloaded on a CSV file.

    Note: For innovation support with using this AI technology, contact

    After successfully creating the supplier, a message that shows the supplier name and supplier number is displayed on the widget. You can click the supplier name to drill back to 'Supplier. Open' (CRS620).

APIs used in the widget

The Supplier Creation widget requires application program interfaces (APIs) that retrieve and display appropriate data.

This table shows details about M3 APIs available in this widget:
Program Transaction
CRS620MI SearchSupplier
CRS620MI CopyTemplate
CRS620MI UpdSupplier
CRS620MI AddAddress
CRS045MI LstCountry
CRS046MI LstAreaCodes
MNS150MI LstUserData
CRS620MI GetBasicData
  • You can use the Infor Artificial Intelligence as part of the business flow to perform a duplicate check or check an external Watchlist. To learn more about Infor AI, contact for innovation support with personalizing the AI models and deployment of additional solutions available.
  • See information about testing and running an API and its corresponding transaction in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).