Customer Address

Use this widget to view the saved addresses of a specific customer. You can also add new addresses for the selected customer, edit existing addresses, or delete any outdated addresses from the list. The distinction of the address types are represented by different icons depending on the purpose of the address. You can assign your address either as delivery, location, invoice, payment, quotation or order confirmation.

You can select a customer from the Customer Contacts widget in your homepage or workspace, or from Infor M3. When you select a customer, the saved addresses alongside with the address ID and name are displayed as list view in the Customer Address widget. Additionally, you can drillback to 'Customer. Connect Addresses' (OIS002) to see the customer address record in Infor M3.


  • Before using the widget, you must activate the OCUSAD table in the M3 Function Search administration. See information about updating table indexes in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).
  • Ensure that the Customer Contacts widget is added along with the Customer Address widget from the widget catalog on your homepage or workspace. The Customer Address widget depends on the customer data that are configured in the Customer Contacts widget.
    Note: Workspace is only available in Infor OS Portal.

Infor Business Context (IBC) message

The Customer Address widget receives this Infor Business Context (IBC) message either from the Customer Contacts widget or from Infor M3: InforCustomerPartyMaster.

APIs used in the widget

The Customer Address widget requires application program interfaces (APIs) that retrieve and display the appropriate data.

This table shows the available M3 APIs for this widget:
Program Transaction
CRS610MI LstAddresses
CRS610MI AddAddress
CRS610MI ChgAddress
CRS610MI DeleteAddress
CRS610MI GetBasicData
CRS045MI LstByCode
CRS046MI LstAreaCodes
MMS008MI LstPlaces

See information about testing and running an API and its corresponding transaction in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).

Creating a customer address

  1. Click the menu icon (…) on the widget title bar and select Crete new address. Alternatively, click the plus icon (+) to perform the same action.
  2. Specify this information:
    Address type
    Select the applicable address type based on the purpose of the customized address.
    Address number
    Specify the customer's address number.
    Specify a customer name.
    Address line 1
    Specify a complete customer address.
    Address line 2
    Specify a complete customer address.
    Address line 3
    Specify a complete customer address.
    Address line 4
    Specify a complete customer address.
    Specify the city of the customer address.
    Postal code
    Specify the postal code according to the specified customer address.
    Select the applicable country of the customer.
    Select the applicable state based on the country value.
    Place of unload
    Select the place of unload. This field depends on the selected country.
  3. Click Save.

Deleting a customer address

  1. On your preferred customer address line, click the Delete icon.
  2. If you are prompted with message, click Delete.