Chart types
These selections are available from the Chart Type field in the graph view settings:
- Pie: Distribution of data in the form of "slices" within a circular graph. Each division equates to a portion of the total data that corresponds to a certain value.
- Bar: A horizontal comparison of data through the use of columns.
- Stacked Bar: Similar to a bar chart except that each column is divided into colored segments wherein a segment represents a single, different value in a data series.
- Donut: A concentric display where a row of data forms a segment and each segment corresponds to the total value of the ring.
- Column: A vertical comparison of data that shares the same category or label.
- Stacked Column: Similar to a column chart except that each column is divided into colored segments wherein a segment represents a single, different value in a data series.
- Line: A representation of a series of data points connected by a line. When multiple variables are in place, the chart may display a trend.
- Area: A display of quantitative data connected by line segments and the area below the line is covered with color.
- Count: A numeric display of data wherein a set of digits represent the count or amount of a specific value.