Quality Assurance

Use this widget to retrieve and monitor open quality inspection (QI) requests for a configured facility and update test results directly in the workspace or homepage. You can also drill back to 'QI Request. Open' (QMS300) by clicking a request link.

This widget does not receive or publish any Infor Business Context (IBC) messages.


Before using the widget, you must activate these tables in the M3 Function Search administration:

See information about updating table indexes in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).

Using the Quality Assurance widget

  1. Search for a QI request using the test ID.
  2. Click the request to update.
  3. Specify this information:
    Test result
    Specify the result.
    Select the applicable reason code for the test.
  4. Click Save.

APIs used in the widget

The Quality Assurance widget requires application program interfaces (APIs) that retrieve and display appropriate data.

This table shows details about M3 APIs available in this widget:

Program Transaction
CRS008MI ListFacility
QMS001MI LstQualitative
QMS008MI LstReasonCode
QMS400MI UpdTestResult

See information about testing and running an API and its corresponding transaction in the M3 Core User and Administration Library (Cloud).