Drillback Actions

Use this widget to create a list of drillback actions, which you can click to redirect to an M3 program or an external link.

You can add these types of links:
  • Static: Contains a permanent value
  • Dynamic: Changes when the widget receives data from context messages

This widget receives various context messages. You can use this with any M3 program, any homepage widget, or any application that sends a context message such as Infor Business Context and Infor Widget Context.

Additionally, you can perform these actions:
  • Show the latest drillbacks only
  • Drag a drillback action to reorder the list
  • Edit a drillback action
  • Delete a drillback action


Before using the widget, you must have access to Homepages and knowledge in Drillback URLs.


The settings for the icon color is only available for English translation.

Property keys

This widget accepts property keys that start with id such as id1, and user context macros. See Supported macros for the input field.