
Use this H5 script to create a shortcut link that opens the M3 Graphical Lot Tracker (GLT) and shows a search result list. To enable this feature, you can add a script shortcut link to these programs in M3 BE:

  • 'Balance Identity. Open Toolbox' (MWS060), (MWS068)
  • 'Lot/Serial Number. Open/Connect to Item' (MMS235)
  • 'Manufacturing Order. Open' (PMS100)
  • 'Customer Order. Open Toolbox' (OIS300)
  • 'Purchase Order. Open' (PPS200)
  • 'Stock Transaction. Display History' (MWS070)
  • 'Customer Order. Open Line' (OIS101)
  • 'Customer Order. Open Line Toolbox' (OIS301)
  • 'Customer Order. Open Line Workbench' (OIS302)
  • 'Purchase Order. Receive Goods' (PPS300)

The integration consists of a shortcut pointing to the script in the Shortcuts window that can be accessed from the B panel of each of the five programs. Information such as the order number, the lot number, and the item is retrieved from the list in the B panel by the script and used to run a search for the relevant trace objects in the M3 Graphical Lot Tracker.

The link is automatically set up in the Infor Industry Process Catalog for Infor CloudSuite Food and Beverage, but you can also link the script manually.

See information about configuring access to M3 Graphical Lot Tracker from M3 Business Engine in the M3 Graphical Lot Tracker User and Administration Library (Cloud).