
Use this H5 script to add check boxes to selected menu bar options in the panel, specifically actions, options, and related options. When you select one or more check boxes, shortcut buttons are created on the Filter Options section representing the selected actions, options, and related options. Clicking any shortcut button provides you with the similar behavior that the button represents.

The buttons are placed in groups related to their type and you can assign colors to the group of buttons through optional arguments.

Script arguments

Examples of arguments are as follows:
  • Argument to be used in 'Item. Open' (MMS001) to add toolbar shortcuts.
    Argument Example Optional Descriptions
    Color for related options #55A3F3 Yes The color assigned to all related options from the menu bar of the current panel. The default argument is #999999.
    Color for actions #FBAF50 Yes The color assigned to all actions from the menu bar of the current panel. The default argument is #999999.
    Color for options #78D8A3 Yes The color assigned to all options from the menu bar of the current panel. The default argument is #999999.
    Maximum width auto Yes Use this argument to adjust the maximum width of the shortcut button. You can specify the width property in CSS, use auto, or leave it blank. The default width is 100.
    Target row for the button 1 Yes Use this argument to define the row position of the button.
    Note: For browse programs with a small header panel, for example (APS120/B), we recommend that you supply the row argument. Suggested row value is 1.
    Target column for the button 15 Yes Use this argument to define the column position of the button.
    Note: For browse programs with a small header panel, we recommend that you supply the column argument together with the target row.
  • Argument to be used in 'Customer. Open' (CRS610/E) to add toolbar shortcuts.

    For panel programs, you can utilize the row and column arguments for better button positioning.

    Without any arguments, the shortcut buttons use the default color and the default width property for all actions, options, and related options.