Creating a method wrapping an M3 Display Program

  1. In the Web Service Repositories view, expand the repository location where the web service is located for which you want to create a method.
  2. Select the web service for which you want to create a method and right-click.
  3. Select New method.

    The Create a new Web Service Method window is displayed.

  4. Select M3 Display Program from the drop-down list and click Next.
  5. Select a server from the drop-down list and click Next.
  6. Select the configuration that is applicable for the M3 Display Programs, then click Next.
  7. Specify the M3 Server View user name and password, then click Next.
    Note: Your M3 Server View user name and password are similar to your regular M3 login credentials.

    A list of system configurations is shown.

  8. Select a system configuration.

    System configuration determines the order of fetching metadata for the web service method creation by looking in the view definition sub directories and in the standard view definition directory. In addition, all applied fix pack directories are searched for in the correct order.

  9. Click Next.

    The Select M3 Program window is displayed.

  10. Select from the list of M3 programs.
  11. Specify a name that describes the functionality. For example, specify CRS055 , then click Finish.

    The method name must conform to the XML naming rules.

    Note: See information in

    The method is displayed in the Web Service Repositories view and the details in the M3 Display Program editor on the right side. See information on using the M3 Display Program in Using M3 Display Program Editor.

    Note: A warning may be displayed indicating that certain programs may be considered unsuitable to be used for web services. Examine the warning message by clicking the warning text for a detailed description and determine what is most suitable in your case. Click Continue or Cancel.