Changing the repository name

By default, the repository name indicates the path of the web service repository.

For example, while creating the new repository, if you have specified U:\MWS_Repositories in the Folder field and PurchaseServices in the Name field, then the name of the repository is U:\MWS_Repositories\PurchaseServices.

Use this procedure to customize the name of the repository to something that relates the name with the work phase such as the development phase or production phase and accordingly have names such as Development, Production, etc.

  1. In the Web Service Repositories view, right-click the repository whose name you want to customize.
  2. Select Properties.

    The Repository window is displayed.

    Note: The screenshot below is for Local repository.
  3. Select Use the repository location as the label if you want to keep the location as the repository name. This is the default option.

    If you want to provide a custom name, select Use a custom label.

    Note: Use a unique name. You can rename the repositories as Development, Production, and Test.
  4. Click OK.