Creating a keystore and key

Use the Keytool.exe cmd in the Java SDK environment to generate a keystore and a key.

Note: You can specify Keytool -help to list all available parameters for Keytool. More info about Keytool can be found here:
  1. Generate a keypair. Ensure the "-keyalg RSA -sigalg MD5withRSA" is present.
    Keytool -genkeypair -keystore keystoreClient.jks -storepass secretPWD 
    -alias myalias -keyalg RSA -sigalg MD5withRSA -dname "c=SE, cn=John Doe, o=Infor, 
    st=Sweden, l=Linköping" 
  2. Export the certificate:
    Keytool -exportcert -keystore keystoreClient.jks -storepass secretPWD 
    -alias myalias -file myalias.cer
  3. Import the certificate into MWS. Open the MWS administration home page and click Upload Client Certificates. Browse to locate the exported certificate file. To upload it to the server, click Add.
  4. Import the MWS Server certificate into your keystore. On the MWS administration home page, click Download Server Certificate. Choose where to store the certificate file. Import it to your keystore by running this Keytool command.
    Keytool -importcert -keystore keystoreClient.jks -storepass secretPWD 
    -alias MWSserver -file MWSServerCert.cer