Testing a Web Service

Use this procedure to test a web service. It is good practice to do this when the logic is implemented. M3 Web Services Designer provides the means to create test cases and run them to validate the web service. You can also test a web service using incorrect input data. This allows you to check the error messages that should be displayed for incorrect input data as well as interactivity for these types of programs.

You can reach the test functions by selecting the Test tab in the editor view of a method or by clicking the Test tab link in the Overview tab.

Note: You cannot use the Web Services Designer Test feature to test secured web services. If you implemented security, you must use a third party application to test.

See information about methods in Working with M3 Display Programs, Working with M3 API programs, and Working with SQL Queries.

Testing a web service involves two steps:

  1. Creating a test case.
  2. Running the test case.