Specifying the Development Settings

Use this procedure to specify namespace base, Java compiler, and JDBC drivers.

  1. From Eclipse, select Window > Preferences.
  2. Expand MWS Designer and select Development Settings.
  3. Specify this information:
    Namespace Base

    Namespace acts as a unique qualifier for identifying a web service. The namespace in this context is made up of the Namespace Base followed by the web service name.

    For example, the namespace value of http://schemas.M3.com/OrderEntry means that http://schemas.M3.com/ is the Namespace Base because it is a valid URI that uniquely identifies the company to which the web service belongs once the web service is published. The OrderEntry in the URI is the web service name that is appended to the Namespace Base.

    The Namespace Base field contains a default value of http://your.company.net. Change this value to something to suit your requirement.

    Note: See information about valid URI in http://www.w3.org/Addressing.
    JDBC Drivers

    When using the Populate Output from Statement feature in SQL web services, JDBC drivers are needed to be able to call the database. These drivers can be added either by using the Import button. See Populating output.

    If you are going to work with SQL Queries, import the appropriate JDBC driver by clicking Import.

    The appropriate JDBC driver must also be added on the M3 Web Services Server side. Refer to the M3 Web Services Administration Guide for detailed instructions.

  4. Click OK.