Modifying and committing an entity

Use this procedure to modify an entity in M3 Adaptation Kit and commit the changes to the repository.

Before you can continue with this procedure, you must make changes to an entity. See M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide.

  1. Select the entity that you modified in the MAK Navigator.
  2. Right-click and select Team > Commit. The Commit window is displayed.
  3. Specify your comments in the text box. These comments are useful for later reference on your code history.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Deploy your entity from the MAK Navigator.
  6. Switch to the Workspace Navigator.
  7. Verify the new serial number, date, and time displayed after the entity name.

    The serial number reflects a change to the repository, not to your specific entity. You should not expect consecutive numbers on your committed code.

  8. Switch to the SVN Repository view. Press F5 to refresh the view.
  9. Locate your entity.

    The serial number in your entity should match the one displayed in the Workspace Navigator.