Modifying the page settings

  1. Use the Start menu or navigator to locate a page.
  2. Click the Start menu > Page Settings.
  3. On the Page Settings dialog box, provide information for the page. The available options depend on the configuration done by the administrator.
    Use this field to change the title of the page.
    Use this field to change the description of the page.
    Select the user who is allowed to edit the page.

    If the administrator does not allow everyone to edit the page, the owner is the only option for this selection.

    Share this page
    Use the toggle button to make the page either public (shared) or private.
    Note: This toggle can be disabled if you are not allowed to have public pages.
    Lock this page
    Use the toggle button to lock or unlock the page for editing.
  4. Click OK.
    Note: You may not be allowed to change the page settings for public pages.