Using Infor Business Context

The Infor Business Context feature broadcasts contextual data from H5 application, which then triggers a related output from a subscribed Infor Ming.le context application. For the feature to work, the context application must be subscribed to the Infor Business Context message of type inforBusinessContext.

Note: The Infor Business Context option will not be displayed in the Context Publisher menu when the Auto Publish Infor Context property is enabled. All data matching the specified business context fields are automatically published when this property is enabled. See application settings in M3 Core Administration Guide.
  1. Open a program. If program opens in a B panel, select a record.
  2. Select Tools > Context Publisher > Infor Business Context.
  3. In the Infor Context Business window, the business entities are mapped to specific fields. Therefore, these entities will differ depending on which M3 panel is opened.

    To use the Paparazzi context application, a reference between the business context and the corresponding BODs needs to be configured. What needs to be configured can be found by looking at the specific noun and how M3 data is mapped into the BOD elements.

    Field Description
    Noun This noun corresponds to the Infor Business Context.
    Document ID See M3 Business Engine BODs Configuration Guide on how the M3 data is mapped into the Document ID of the BOD.
    Accounting Entity The M3 standard specifies that it should be defined as <CONO>_<DIVI> (Company_Division). However, this can change during installation, so verify if the installation follows the standard.
    Location The value for the location corresponds to M3 Warehouse. See M3 Business Engine BODs Configuration Guide.
    Revision ID This is usually left blank. See M3 Business Engine BODs Configuration Guide.

    If you select Auto Publish, these entities will automatically be published, regardless of which record you open.

    If you want to reset the values, click Use Default.

  4. Click Save after supplying the values.
  5. Verify that all subscribed context applications are triggered to show information related to the current record.

Context Publisher data is stored as personalization. Therefore, clearing personalizations in Smart Office will remove all contextual data.