Creating date comparisons using conditional style

Use this procedure to make comparisons based on dates.

Note: Smart links through conditional style is not supported in H5.
  1. Open a program.
  2. Select Tools > Personalize > Conditional Styles.
  3. Click New.
  4. Select a field from the Target Field list.
  5. From the Select condition type list, select Date.
  6. Select an operator. For date comparisons, the operators are similar to traditional operators, for example less than, greater than, and equal to, but are specific to dates. You can select operators, such as Earlier than, Later than, Earlier than or equals.
  7. Select the type of date comparison.
    Option Description
    Field If you are comparing the target field to another date field, select Field. And then in the next box, select the date field to compare to the target.
    Specific Fixed Dates If you are comparing the target field to a specific date or dates, select Specific Fixed Dates and click Select Dates.

    In the Select Dates dialog box, use the date picker calendar to select the dates to use for the comparison. You can also remove dates in this dialog box.

    Dynamic Date Use this option to select a range of dates to use for the comparison.
    Specific Dynamic Dates Use this option to start the interval on a specific date. In this case, specify both a specific date or dates and a date range.

    For example, suppose you need to run a report three days prior to the last Friday of the month. Because the last Friday of the month is not a fixed date, you use the Specific Date section of the dialog box to select the last Fridays of each month. Then you use the Dynamic Date section to specify the third day before each last Friday.

    Expression Use this option to set up a condition using date tokens. These tokens are variables that represent date values. When you right-click the box next to the Expression option, a context menu is displayed and you can choose among the available tokens:
    • [currentdate]
    • [currentmonth]
    • [currentyear]

    Suppose you need to filter forms that will expire today. To make these forms stand out, you can compare the target field against a token expression. For example, the maturity date (target field) is equal (=) to the [currentdate] (token expression).

  8. If you select Dynamic Date and you need to specify when to apply the style, click Set Date Interval. If you select Specific Dynamic Dates, click Select Dates to specify a date range. In both cases, the Set Date Interval dialog box is displayed.
  9. Specify this information:
    Set Date Interval
    Select the check box.
    Conditional style starting and ending
    Specify a number, and then select Days, Weeks, Months, or Years and Before or After.

    If you do not specify an end date, the style will continue indefinitely.

    The intervals that are available for selection depend on the selected operator. For example, if the condition should compare dates later than another date, and ending option is not available.

  10. Click OK.
  11. Click the Add button to add another condition, or click the Remove button to delete an existing condition. Click Next.
  12. Format the display characteristics for the field:
    1. On the Color tab, change the color for the Field or Text. You can apply the color changes to an entire row by selecting Enable style for entire row.
    2. On the Text tab, change the alignment and style. You can include your own tooltip text. To display the default tool tip instead, select Show original value as tooltip.
    3. On the Icon tab, select an icon to go with the field.
    4. On the Hyperlinks tab, select the Make field a hyperlink check box to create a hyperlink for the field. Choose between a related option or a new link.
      To open the link in a browser, select the Open link in external browser check box.
  13. Click Next.
  14. Specify this information:
    Optionally, specify a name for the conditional style.
    Optionally, provide a description for the conditional style.
  15. Select the Activate check box for the conditional style to take effect.
  16. Click Finish.