MI Transaction Search Details

Access the Search tab and select Search MI Transaction to display these features and fields:

MI Transaction search fields and functions

Refer to the fields definition here when you use search by MI Transaction.

Fields/function Description

This open text Keyword field is auto complete for ease of use. Here, you type the text, phrase, or code to search. It can contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z,a,z), blank space( ), hyphen(-), colon(:), or underscore( ).

You can use the wildcard character * (asterisk) in place of an unknown string.

Select M3 BE System

Use this to select the BE installation where to execute the search. A default M3 BE selection is displayed.

Note: MDP saves your selected M3 BE Installation on last login.
More Options Click the More Option link to set the result limit. Range setting is from 100 to 10000 with an interval value of 100 for the first 1000.
Search When all the required task information are completed, click Search.