Searching for modified programs

Use this procedure to search for modified programs in Market or Customer components of an M3 Business Engine (BE) system.

  1. On the Search tab, select Search By Component.
  2. In the Program name field, specify a keyword to search.
  3. In the Containing method/keyword field, specify a JAVA keyword or method in the program you are searching for.
  4. Select an M3 BE Installation to use.
  5. Click the More Options link to for additional search filter.
    1. Select a component.
    2. Set the search limit. The default value is 500.
    3. Select a search method to use.
  6. Click Search.

    In the right pane, the Search Results tab displays the Program (Total match), and a data list with this information is displayed:

    Column heading Description
    Program name Name of the program.
    Description Description of the program.
    Type Type of the program.
    Component Component of the program.
    Source Code
  7. Use these options to sort and filter your results: Click the icon to view source code.
    • To sort the results alphabetically or numerically, click the Sort icon located in one or more column headings.

    • To filter the results, type a dynamic free text filter for each column and select a Filter action.