Searching by MI Transaction

  1. On the Search tab, select Search MI Transaction.
  2. In the Keyword field, specify a keyword to search.
  3. Select an M3 BE Installation to use.
  4. Click the link to More options for additional search filter.
  5. Set the search limit. The default value is 500.
  6. Click Search.

    A new search result opens with the Program (Total match) and a data list.

  7. Optionally, click the Export icon to save this table search result on an xsl. file.
  8. Use these options to manage your results:
    • To sort the results alphabetically or numerically, click the Sort icon on the column headings.

    • To filter the results, click the Filter icon in the last column and type a dynamic free text filter for each column.

  9. To view relation information, click a system element name.