Action marking a program
The M3 programming standard requires to action mark every change, such as adding or deleting a line or block of lines, to an existing entity. This is done to ensure modifications are tracked, and blocks of code belonging to an action number are determined during upgrade.
You can tag the source code manually using these methods:
Highlight and right-click the line or block of lines being modified. Select
or , depending on that action that you want to perform. -
Use key sequence.
To mark a line or block of lines that were added or changed, press
.The line or block of lines is appended by the comment :
//A <Action Number> <Date>
To mark a line or block of lines that were deleted, press
.The line or block of lines is appended by the comment :
//D <Action Number> <Date>
Action marking is done automatically when a program is modified using the Get command or when a program is successfully deployed. The action marking is added in the file header under Modification area - Customer.
When a program is successfully deployed after saving the changes, the existing source will be automatically appended and updated with the following changes:
Modification area - Customer
in the header is updated with a value of<Action Number> <Date> <User ID> <A/N Description>
For example, 81229 070927 14473 MMS300CL_does_not_follow_CRS158_selection_fields
public final static String [][] _standardModifications
declaration at the end of the source is updated with a value of"<Action Number>", "<Date>", <User ID>","<Description> <User ID>__<Time>"
For example, public final static String [][] _standardModifications={ {"80437","070628","11905","Performance_problem_when_read_and_write_to_FTAXTR"}}.