Adding an information message
Use this procedure to add an information message. Information messages are located in the <Prefix>MSG<lng code> files.
- In the Language Objects pane, click Add. The New MSG Object pane is displayed.
- Select Information Message. The properties are displayed.
To create a new information message, specify this information:
- Message ID
- Specify the Information Message ID. The ID must be seven characters long.
- Message
- Specify the content of the information message. The field can accommodate up to 128 characters.
- Type (1-4)
- Select the type of the substituted variable:
The Type lists are enabled when you type &1, &2, &3, or &4 in the Message field, where &1, &2, &3, or &4 are the variables that are substituted with the type that you select.
- Length
- Specify the length of the character or decimal type.
- Decimal (1-4)
- Specify the number of decimals that a decimal type displays. The integer values are from 0 through 9. For example, if the length of the decimal type is set to 4, and that of the Decimals is set to 2, then the value presented is 1234.42.
- Click the object name to reflect the changes. A new information message with a green lock is displayed in the Language Objects pane.